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When: Sunday, March 16th at 7pm EST
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Bronner Bros Professional Diamond Hair Shine 4 fl. oz

Bronner Bros Professional Diamond Hair Shine 4 fl. oz

Item# dihash
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Bronner Bros Pro Diamond Shine is a dynamic glossifier that gives ultimate shine during the finishing process.

Diamond Shine is a fantastic light product that forms a seal that protects the hair from demining UV Rays. Think of Diamond Shine as icing on the cake. Since the molecules of this product are so large, they sit on the cuticle giving it a natural shine and forms a seal to protect the hair from the environmental elements. Recipe: Use Diamond Shine with Bronner Bros Pro Spritz & Shine to achieve a firm look.

Diamond Shine, with 14 Natural Herbs, provides nourishment for your hair. It forms a seal that protects hairs from damaging U.V. rays and environmental toxins. As well, Diamond Shine also beautifies hair by adding a gloss that leaves hair shiny all day.
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